Balloon wall with Celebrant’s initial…
A birthday party for a four year old took place recently in a Restaurant within a Shopping Mall in North London.
An Underwater party theme was chosen for the party and Balloon Inspirations had the pleasure of liaising with the Client to transform the restaurant into a spectacular party venue.
Guests were ushered into the large room by the couple of “smiley-faced” clown balloon sculptures placed strategically on either side of the entrance. A second purpose of alerting passers-by to the Restaurant was also served by these fun sculptures.
A large balloon wall (with accents including the celebrant’s initial) built behind the birthday cake table created a primary focal point for the room, whilst a large Octopus balloon sculpture spread it’s balloon tentacles across the ceiling from it’s balloon reef placed in a corner of the room.
This, in addition to the other short columns hanging from the ceiling formed the aerial décor for the room as table top space was at a premium – reserved for the exotic dishes to be served at the party.
The pictures featured below give an overview of the decorations.