Tope Abulude of Balloon Inspirations had the privilege of designing  “Royal Medieval Festival themed Balloon decorations for an International Balloon Arts Convention in the USA.

With Balloon trumpeters atop balloon turrets heralding the arival of guests the “drawbridge” already laid down; the celebrations were ready to commence in full swing.

Several individual elements were designed such as the throne, the balloon crests and turrets as well as the imposing buffet area designed in the form of a Medieval fortress.

The images below give more detail of the various elements which came together to form the themed balloon decor.

medieval party decorations

Medieval Royal Festival – Throne 2

An impressive view of the Royal throne. Built in front of an impressive balloon wall, the Royal "Throne" was placed on the stage at the front of the room making a very popular backdrop for guest photographs. The use of the rich and solid…
medieval party decorations - throne (stage)

Medieval Royal Festival – Throne

Side view of the impressive balloon wall forming the frame for the Royal Medieval balloon throne.
Balloon Castle

Medieval Royal Festival – Fortress 2

Medieval Balloon fortress - complete with turrets.
Medieval balloon fortress - buffet area 2

Medieval Royal Festival – Fortress

The "Fortress" was conveniently located in the centre of the room. Fashioned from Balloon walls and other associated props, this central fortress made a highly efficient base from which the buffet dinner was served.
Medieval balloon decorations - Balloon wallCrests

Medieval Royal Festival – Crests

Small balloon walls in various colours typical of Medieval crests.
Medieval balloon decorations - Balloon sculptures (guests) at the party

Medieval Royal Festival – Guests

Interactive Balloon figures "dressed" in appropriate attire made the numbers in this crowd - helping to give an air of authenticity to the festivities.  
Medieval balloon decorations - entrance 3

Medieval Royal Festival – Entry 2

Small balloon sculptures depicting trumpeters above balloon mini towers
Balloon towers - entrance feature

Medieval Royal Festival – Entry 1

The trumpeters heralding the arrivals, the drawbridge has been laid down, defence barriers lifted - Let the celebrations begin!
Balloon towers - entrance feature

Medieval Royal Festival – Porticullis

The trumpeters heralding the arrivals, the drawbridge has been laid down, defence barriers lifted - Let the celebrations begin! Knights courtesy of Royal Sorrel CBA. 

Knights at Porticullis courtesy of Royal Sorrel CBA.

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