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Vegas themed BarMizvah balloon decorations

  It was all about lights, glitz and glamour for this “Las Vegas” themed Bar Mitzvah included special themed centrepieces and several little accents. The Backdrop for the Celebrant’s table featured a large Balloon wall incorporating playing cards graphics. Table Centrepieces incorporating classic vegas showgirls imagery and glitter adorned the guest tables.

Balloon towers - entrance feature

The trumpeters heralding the arrivals, the drawbridge has been laid down, defence barriers lifted – Let the celebrations begin!

Vegas themed BarMizvah balloon decorations

  It was all about lights, glitz and glamour for this “Las Vegas” themed Bar Mitzvah included special themed centrepieces and several little accents. The Backdrop for the Celebrant’s table featured a large Balloon wall incorporating playing cards graphics. Table Centrepieces incorporating classic vegas showgirls imagery and glitter adorned the guest tables.

Balloon towers - entrance feature

The trumpeters heralding the arrivals, the drawbridge has been laid down, defence barriers lifted – Let the celebrations begin!