Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Santa Claus balloon sculpture

For Christmas party decorations, balloon sculptures create immediate impact as they easily capture the hearts of the themes they are alluding to. Christmas decoration props and elements such as Christmas trees, wreaths, Santa Claus sculptures and lots more can be created entirely of balloons (with small accents of other materials). We have over the years […]

Pooh and Eeyore birthday party decorations

Most children grow up learning to love Winnie-the-pooh bear and all his friends. The decorations for this kid’s birthday party featured large Winne-the-Pooh and Eeyore character balloons in a balloon canopy which comprised 4 columns spanned by 4 arches of brightly coloured balloons. Winne-the-Pooh air walkers placed around the room made engaging interactive decorations for […]

Santa Claus balloon sculpture

For Christmas party decorations, balloon sculptures create immediate impact as they easily capture the hearts of the themes they are alluding to. Christmas decoration props and elements such as Christmas trees, wreaths, Santa Claus sculptures and lots more can be created entirely of balloons (with small accents of other materials). We have over the years […]

Pooh and Eeyore birthday party decorations

Most children grow up learning to love Winnie-the-pooh bear and all his friends. The decorations for this kid’s birthday party featured large Winne-the-Pooh and Eeyore character balloons in a balloon canopy which comprised 4 columns spanned by 4 arches of brightly coloured balloons. Winne-the-Pooh air walkers placed around the room made engaging interactive decorations for […]