blue white and red balloons in atwo columns frame the entrance door
Royal Wedding Party decorations:
Well, with the Royal Wedding hitting the whole of the UK, thanks, in part to the extra Bank Holiday this month, celebration fever has hit almost the entire populace.
Street parties are being planned up and down the UK, though possibly not quite on the same scale as the Lady Di and Prince Charles Wedding all those decades ago.
Rather than having a full street party, (due in part to the hassle of getting permissions for street closures) a large number of people are taking advantage of the good weather and extra holiday to plan garden parties and join in the revelry of the crown prince and his future Bride.
In addition to the traditional flags, banners and bunting which are strewn across lawns, balloons make a statement which says “Time to party”! like no other medium can. It is relatively easy to transform your garden or even your front room into a patriotic and fun venue for your party. This get you firmly in the mood to toast the newly weds with style, or if you are not a royalist, just celebrate anyway!
Right from the street, a large bunch of blue, red and white balloons could greet your guests, assuring them they’ve found the right place! Then, depending on how large your front garden is, you could have small balloon columns leading up to your front door.
Helium filled balloons with ribbon streamers as used here:

Ceiling filled with helium-filled balloons and streamers.
make for really effective ceiling/indoor décor and would instantly transform your Lounge into a fun party venue.
If you really wish to splash out and have the space to do it in, BalloonInspirations.com could create a balloon wall in the form of the Union Jack – a great backdrop for any party

The Balloon wall creates a great backdrop for any party, while making a statement!
Anyway, whichever way you choose to celebrate with family and friends this long weekend; glued to your TV or basking in the sun, do have a great time!